Brief information about the Congress

The White Nights International Ophthalmology Congress is dedicated to most up-to-date achievements in diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma, cataract surgery, neuroophthalmology, treatment of inflammatory and dystrophic diseases of the cornea and the conjunctiva, medical and surgical treatment of retinal and choroidal diseases, treatment of orbital conditions, refraction, refractive error’s correction with spectacles and contact lenses, refractive surgery, and several other issues of modern ophthalmology.

Every year, the Congress attracts thousands of best specialists in ophthalmology from many regions of Russia, distant and near foreign countries. Due to the limitations caused by COVID-19 and severe epidemiologic situation, the Congress being an online event, in 2020-2021, could gather about 4 thousand registered participants, and present a valuable plenary program and that of satellite symposia.

In parallel with the Congress, an exhibition takes place, with participation of the majority of leading Russian and international manufacturers of medications and of medical devices.

 XXXth International «White Nights» Ophthalmology Congress named after Professor Yu.S. Astakhov — 20th Congress of the All-Russian Public Organization «Association of Ophthalmologists» will take place in Saint-Petersburg on May 27-30, 2024 Information materials